I was traveling once from Bangkok to Koh Samui and since it was near New Year’s Eve, most of the direct flights were way too expensive or already booked, I had to take a ferry from Donsak Pier near Surat Thani in South of Thailand to the Island.

If it hadn’t been for this super nice Japanese guy who helped me carry my bags I don’t know what I would have done.It was embarrassing enough that he had to carry my bags for me once up the stairs but he later had to carry them DOWN as well when we arrived at our destination.
9 suitcase packing tips to prevent the Desi ‘you never know I might need this’ trait kicking in
1) Put all the clothes you think you might need in the suitcase- and then remove 2/3 of them

2) …Just get your laundry done on the go instead!

It’s OKAY to repeat the same clothes while on a trip. You are going to explore & discover, you aren’t going to find your rishta. (wedding proposal) – always better to be practical.If you feel your hotel laundry services are too expensive for you,then look for a laundromat or laundry service nearby if you can. It is worth paying for to save the luggage space.
3) Roll your clothes instead of folding them
This is an age told trick which most people already know. However,it always comes in useful.
TIP: The only time this might not work is with heavy winter clothes like coats – you will need to fold those
4) Use small sample bottles or hotel shampoo bottles for toiletries
You know those small bottles of shampoo & soap that you get in hotel rooms? Don’t throw them away. Keep them. They can be very useful to re-fill with the shampoo or facewash of your choice while travelling and they are tiny enough to fit in the smallest travel bag. One bottle is good for up to 5 days of product at least, and even if you need to take more they are so small, it won’t take up much space.
So don’t feel stingy while collecting them – they come in very useful! Look at the size comparison below

5) Pack each shoe of a pair separately
Shoes being the terrible, bulky things they are, can take up a huge amount of space. Especially if you are tiny like I am and need to have wedges or heels with most shoes. I solve this problem by never packing a pair of shoes together – They just bulk up too much. Wrap them separately in shoe bags or even plastic bags and put them in separate parts. Stuff one in one side of the suitcase and one in the other.Or even in separate bags – whatever saves more space!
6) Wear your heaviest clothes- if you can

7) Put rolled socks inside shoes
8) Instead of buying a book at the bookstore in the airport lounge – download an e-book on your phone/ipad to keep you entertained on long transits
9) Hair dryers and straighteners – do you REALLY need them?
Do you really? They take up SO much space – not to mention they are heavy. Even the small travel sized ones. Most hotels will already have a hair dryer in their bathrooms and if they don’t you can always ask for one. If that doesn’t work out just go to a near by salon and get your hair done there. Unless you are London or somewhere in Europe where these services tend to be expensive, they won’t cost a lot more than what they do back home – I got my hair done all the time in Thailand and it was the most convenient thing ever. Paying for it is still worth the space you save carrying electronic items around.
Well there you go. Those were some of the things I have learnt while packing suitcases. Hope these help. Happy Travelling!