5 Things to do in Venice!

Home » 5 Things to do in Venice!

Ah Venezia! The island of canals and gondolas. It’s one of those poster destinations that one simply has to check off their list when visiting Italy.

Even though the main canal area is not too large, one needs to spend at least 2 days here to be able to enjoy this city to the fullest. It’s not something you want to rush through.

1)Take a Gondola Ride

A gondola is to Venice is what pasta is to Italy or what Kangaroos are to Australia. It’s what the very essence of the city is about. No trip can be complete without a peaceful boat ride through the ancient and quaint canals of Venezia.





Tip: The costs per boat can go as high as 100 euro per trip! You can reduce costs by adding more people to a boat ( usually maximum 6) to lower per head costs. However, it’s worth it to treat yourself to a boat ride all on your own

2)Visit the high streets of San Marco

San Marco is the principal public square of Venice. Where it is generally known just as “the Piazza”.

It’s a very,very long and tiresome walk from the start of the city square so be sure to use a Taxi Boat or Metro Boat for the journey.

Sanmarco_The Imaage File


The high streets are quaint and beautiful; contrasted by a large number of high end branded stores and cafes.

Perhaps not the best to shop at if you are on a budget but it’s worth spending a lazy afternoon meandering through the streets, admiring the architecture and enjoying some gelato while you are at it.

3)Shop at the souvenir stores

The Venetian souvenir stores are different from the ones you will find in Rome. Filled with quaint masquerade masks and items from nearby Islands Murano & Burano, each  known for lace and glass decorative items.






4)Try some Venetian pasta

Pasta is something you need to try out when you visit Italy anyway. However, pasta from Venice is perhaps even better than any I had in Rome.Try a simple dish with tomato based sauce and extra Parmesan  and enjoy!



5)Watch the Sunset from one of the large cross over bridges

I don’t know about Paris since I haven’t been there (yet!) but Venice is easily one of the most romantic cities in the world that I have seen. Whether you are with a significant other or just enjoying peaceful solitude; the sunset from one of the ( many) Venetian bridges is a beautiful sight

Source: mw.com
Source: mw.com



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